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Portuguese guy moves to Istanbul, learns turkish and lives the new culture.
Um português em Istanbul
Bir portekiz İstanbul'da

Location: Türkiye


Moved out to Msn Spaces

I decided to stop posting here and start a new blog with a different concept for posting. I'll still blog about Turkey, and in different languages, but I want to write about different stuff too.
I'm not sure if Msn Spaces is the best place to go, but until now I'm preety happy with it.
Also, I will stop posting anonymously. I'm feeling more confident about the blogosphere nowadays. It's not such a dangerous place after all!
Check it out at Pauloya. And here is the Rss feed.

Decidi deixar de escrever aqui e começar um novo blog com um conceito de differente para os textos. Continuarei a escrever sobre a Turquia e em diferenes linguas, mas quero escrever tambem sobre outros assuntos.
Ainda nao sei bem se o Msn Spaces eh o melhor sitio mas pelo que vi ateh agora parece ok.
Ah, e vou deixar de escrever como anonimo! Ja me sinto suficientemente confiante na blogosphera!
O site eh em Pauloya. E eis o Rss feed.

Burada yazmamaya karar verdim, yeni bir blog açtım. Orada Türkye'ye hakkında yazmaya devam edeceğim, ve farklı dil kullanacağım ama başka kunu hakkında da yazacağım.
Şimdi Msn Spaces'te kontrol ediyorum, ama şimdiye kadar sevdim.
Orada gerçek işimi kullanacağım, blogosphere tehlikli değil, yüzümü göstereceğim!
Site Pauloya'dadır. Ve Rss feed de var.


A multi language blog

Bev trayner asked me if I blog the same thing in the 3 languages or do I change it according to the people that would read it in the different contexts.
I usually write in and then translate into the other 2 languages. Between EN and PT things are preetty much the same although I don't worry about doing the exact tranlation. With TR the text is limited by my knowledge of the language, not by what I think I should write for a turkish reader. Actually reading my turkish is usually a comic experience for those who know the language!
I started this bog 1 year ago in EN, later I decided to write in TR mainly to force myself to practice the language, and since I would spend 20 mins translating to TR (that's how long it takes), I decided I could also spend 2 minutes translating to PT.
This being said, I should also say that I'm thinking now about what I can change with my blog because writing it is a heavy task, I feel that I need to find an easier format where I can write more and faster.

A Bev Trayner perguntou-me se eu "blogo" as mesma coisas nas 3 línguas ou se mudo o texto de acordo com o contexto de quem me lê.
Normalmente escrevo o texto original em EN e traduzo para as outras 2 línguas. Entre EN e PT as coisas não mudam muito, apesar de eu não me esforçar muito em fazer uma tradução exacta. Com o TR as coisas são limitadas pelo meu conhecimento da língua, e não pelo que eu acho que devo escrever para o leitor turco. Na verdade quem lê o que escrevo em turco cai da cadeira de rir com as minhas calinadas!
Comecei por escrever este blog há 1 ano atrás em EN e depois decidi começar a escrever em TR principalmente para me foçar a praticar a língua, e já que tava numa de traduções decidi também escrever em PT. Se perco 20 minutos a traduzir pa turco (ya, 20 minutos!) também posso perder 2 minutos a escrever em PT ( ok, esta tradução já vai em 3... )
Também tenho de acrescentar que ultimamente tenho andado a pensar no que posso alterar no blog para aliviar um bocado as coisas, sinto que tenho de encontrar um formato onde consiga escrever mais e mais rápido.

Bev Trainer "blog'unde 3 dille aynı şeyi yazıyor musun" bana sordu.
Genelikle orijinal tekst EN ile yazıyorum ve sonra tercüme yapıyorum. EN ve PT aynı şey yazıyorum, ama türkçe farklı oluyor çünkü ben dilden az biliyorum. Bence bir türk için bu blog komik oluyor!
1 yıl önce EN'le bu blog'u yazmaya başladım, sonra TR pratik etmek için TR kullanmaya karar verdim. TR tercüme yapmak için 20 dak sürüyor (evet, bu kadar!). Pt tercüme çok daha kolay oluyor (tabi canım), 2 dak sürüyor, o yuzdan PT de yazmaya karar verdim.
Son zamanlarda blog'umda ne değiştirebilirim diye düsünüyorum. Yeni format bulmam lazım, daha çok yazmak ve daha hızlı yazmak istiyorum.

PS: More about blogging with multi language



Lately I have been really off from this blog. I want to keep writing and sharing my day to day thoughts, but I think I haven't yet found the best way to do it in a good sistematic way that I can easily integrate with day to day life.

I think this is a common problem for bloggers, during the day I find myself thinking "Wow! this is interesting I must blog it!" But in the end of the day when I get home I've got many other things on my ming and a tired body and mind that don't feel like doing it.

Also, the whole translation thing has become another reason tiring task makin it 3 times harder to put the post out. Here's an interesting read on the multi-language blog problem

So I'm thinking about restructuring a few things to make it easier on me and keep doing the sharing. If you have any suggestions, feel free to post them.

While I don't restructure, let me add a few things worst blogging in this post:
I ran again the Euro-Asia marathon, or I should say I walked the 8 km mini-marathon that starts in the Asian continent, crosses the Bosphorus and finishes on the European continent. The weather didn't help much, so there weren't as many people as last year, but it was preety fun.

And also the Ramadan, tomorrow is the first day of the Ramadan, people that fast will start doing it for about 30 days, it will be interesting to see how people at work deal with it, I think more posts will come on this subject.