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Portuguese guy moves to Istanbul, learns turkish and lives the new culture.
Um português em Istanbul
Bir portekiz İstanbul'da

Location: Türkiye



3 months ago I was told by a friend that Madredeus would come to Istanbul. Their first time in Turkey!
Even though I just heard it 2 days before and Istanbul is such a big city, I tryed to go there. I managed to find the concert house and was there 20 minutes before the start.
I soon found out that this was a concert for the elite. The ticket prices was more than 25 euros and actually by then they were all sold!
I decided to wait, maybe someone would cancel, or sell... But I wasn't the only one with this hope. About some other 10 people did the same, so while waiting and talking with these people I had some very interesting conversations!
There was an italian couple, since I know Italian and they didn't know turkish or english, I was translating what was hapening, I didn't find much about them, the woman told me that she saw a concert of Madredeus in Casablanca and she loved them!
Then there was this group of 4 turkish, one of them was fighting good for our cause "Listen, either we all go in, or no one goes! They have free places inside, I know because a friend of mine is in there!" They talked with theater guys trying by all means to get us in, they even showed their love for Madredeus music by singing part of "A Vaca de Fogo"! I joined in the song :) Every effort was worthless, they would not get moved by our singing talents.
Then I met a man from the brasilian consulate in Istanbul! He happened to be in the lobby waiting for someone. He was very kind and invited me to visit the consuluate and meet brasileans living in Istanbul.
And finally I met a turkish guy that worked in the theater and... be amazed!... spoke portuguese (not brasilean portuguese)! He told me that he used to be a turist guide for portuguese turists. He was working in the theater, and he would try to get 2 tickets for me "It's not every day you meet portuguese living in Istanbul", (until now I found only 1 family living here!) he looked promising, but after waiting for another 30 minutes he didn't come back and all my waiting friends were gone, so... I decided to come back on the next tour...
I didn't get to hear Madredeus live but I got to meet a lot of interesting new people! And there were more to meet while walking around the concert area.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oi, Paulo, o passeio foi mais interessante do que o show! Esses passeios improvisados costumam ser melhores, lembra quando vimos Hair ao invés de irmos à festa em Jesi? como está a vida em Istambul? Beijinhos Cilâine

03 June, 2005 09:52  
Blogger Aziz said...

Claro que sim! Esse foi um espetaculo memorável!
Enquanto esperava por uma ajuda para entrar nos madredeus bem me lembrei do Hair!
Resumindo essa história, ha uns 5 anos atrás tivemos oportunidde de assistir à peça Hair completamente grátis, directamente dos bastidores, ou seja com todo o frenesim dos actores a entrar e a sair do palco. E isto a convie de um dos actores a quem pedimos encarecidamente que nos ajudásse a entrar!
A única parte da peça que não pudemos ver foi a cena em que todos os actores entram nus no palco... se bem que eu acho q Cilaine estava a espreitar! ;)

04 June, 2005 00:43  

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